Steps on Your Journey

Everyone's faith journey is unique.

Even so, we believe several practices are central to our faith.


Baptism in the Episcopal Church is by water, in the name of the "Father, Son and Holy Spirit." It is a sacrament, meaning it's an outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace given by Christ. In baptism, we are welcomed into the Christian community, the "Body of Christ." When infants are baptized, their parents and godparents make promises on their behalf, committing to raise them in the faith. Adult baptism involves the person themself making a public commitment to follow Jesus. In both cases, baptism represents being cleansed of sin and beginning a new life in Christ—a life in which we strive to live out our Baptismal vows to love and serve God and neighbor. 

Many have been baptized in other Christian traditions, and we honor where you come from. If you have not been baptized and are interested, please contact the priest! We are so glad you're here. 

Confirmation and Reception

Confirmation in the Episcopal Church is when a person expresses their mature commitment to living out their faith in Christ. For those baptized as infants, confirmation usually happens during the teenage years or adulthood. During Confirmation, the Bishop lays hands on the person, praying for the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide them. This act symbolizes becoming fully integrated into the life of the Church and being empowered to serve in new ways.

If you were baptized as an adult or made a mature affirmation of faith in another Christian community, your next step as a member of St. Patrick's might be Reception (instead of Confirmation). When the Bishop visits, he will receive you into the fellowship of St. Patrick's with the laying on of hands. 

If you are wondering about Confirmation and Reception, please contact the priest or church administrator. Again, we are so glad you're here. 

Other Steps

Faith is never a spectator sport. Below are some more ways to broaden your faith and enrich our church.

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Serve in The Church

If you consider this place home, that means you are an important part of the ministry of St. Pat's. Everyone participating a part of the ministry is what allows us to do what we do. While we all have very different talents, you undoubtedly bring something unique to the table.

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Invite Others

Inviting others is an excellent way to share the sense of community and faith you've found here. Whether inviting a friend to a Sunday service, a special event, or a small group gathering, you're extending a warm welcome to others on their spiritual journey.

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Attend a Event

Check our calendar for upcoming classes or events you can participate in.

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Vocation and Calling

Both lay and ordained ministry are vital to the life of the church, and we invite you to discern how God might be calling you to serve. Whether you feel drawn to lay ministry—such as serving as a lector, eucharistic minister, or in another role—or you're exploring a potential call to ordained ministry, we encourage you to reflect and seek guidance on where God is leading you in your faith journey.