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Upcoming Events
Inquirers Class
Each Sunday after Service
Feb 2nd - Mar 23rd
Inquirers Class
Each Sunday after Service
Our Inquirer's Class is an eight-week series designed for anyone interested in Baptism, Confirmation, Reception, or simply learning more about the Episcopal Church. Meeting upstairs in the Fox House each Sunday after coffee hour, the class covers topics such as the Episcopal tradition, worship, and the basics of faith. It will cover the prayer book and why our services look they way they do. It will also help answer your questions as you consider Baptism, Confirmation, Reception, or other next steps. It’s a great opportunity to ask questions, deepen your understanding, and connect with others exploring their faith. Whether you’re new to the church or looking to take the next step, this class offers a welcoming space to grow and learn.
Kids Sunday School
Apr 6th | 11:30am
Kids Sunday School
The first Sunday of each month, kids are invited to Sunday School in the Fox House! This program will feature a meal, artistic self-expression, Christian formation and even some liturgical training.
Holy Week
Multiple Services Throughout the Week
Apr 13th - 19th
Holy Week
Multiple Services Throughout the Week
Palm Sunday - Sunday 13th
Service at 10:30 AM. We will have a special procession as we enter, remembering Christ's entry into Jerusalem.
Wednesday Eucharist - Wednesday 16th
We will have our normal Wednesday service.
Maundy Thursday - April 17th
We will have a foot-washing service and watch until midnight at the Altar of Repose.
Good Friday - April 18th
Services at noon to remember the day Christ was crucified.
Holy Saturday - April 90th
We will hold an Easter vigil.
Easter Sunday - April 20th
Join us and bring a friend for the Easter Sunday Eucharist.
Easter Sunday
Apr 20th
Easter Sunday
Kids Sunday School
May 4th | 11:30am
Kids Sunday School
The first Sunday of each month, kids are invited to Sunday School in the Fox House! This program will feature a meal, artistic self-expression, Christian formation and even some liturgical training.
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