
What it Means to Give

(This is the page about money, isn't it?)

When we hear about giving, our minds generally go first to money. (And spoiler alert: it does take the generous financial support of St. Pat's members to make what we do possible.)

However, giving goes far beyond what we do with our checkbooks. Some of the most generous people at St. Pats may never be in a position to contribute financially, but what they give of their time, talents, and self are far more important. 

"The power of the pocket book does not determine the power of the gospel."

Support The Mission Financially

At St. Pat's, we believe that giving is a personal and spiritual act, never something demanded or required. We invite those who feel a sense of ownership in the life of our parish and are able to contribute to consider giving financially as a way to support our shared ministry. Each October, we offer the opportunity to make a pledge for the coming year, helping us plan and grow together. You can give by dropping monies in the offering plate at the front of the sanctuary during services or, preferably, by setting up recurring online giving.

Set Up Online Giving

"It’s never the business of the church to save money—what you give will always be put to use."